Why Does Physical Appearance Matter Greatly With Love?

A simple question which can be answered easily but some still wants to ask why physical appearance matters so much in finding love.Others say it is not that much important as it was before.As we see people tend to look for other factors other than looks to land a lasting relationship or find a date.

Beauty and appearance
You are being unrealistic if you deny the fact that most people really look at the outward appearance and give a higher value on looks.It goes to say that those with beautiful faces and bodies are the ones with higher chances of finding love than those with simple or plain look.It seems to say that if you will marry a beautiful person people will congratulate you but if you marry someone ugly you would probably be ridiculed or made fun of.But that was long ago, our values have changed and looks sometimes are just first impression that sometimes does not really last.

Looking Perfect In Pictures

Other people have issues with the way they look on pictures.

When they get ugly shots in their photos, they think they are very ugly after all.

One must remember that cameras are not perfect too and it only captures 2D of the real you.Sometimes to look our best at photos we need to exert a lot of effort and really prepare for it.Since most of the time, some pictures are stolen so there are chances that you would have a worst angle or look of yourself.However, it does not mean that we are ugly with those few photos when we have good looking pictures at the same time. 

Flirting and Laws of Attraction

When it comes to flirting and laws of attraction, attractive looking people do have a lot of advantage than their plain looking counterparts.Perhaps this is the real purpose of beauty, it acts like bait.When you see a beautiful person there is a higher chance that your head will turn back and have a second look.It’s normal for humans to value beauty the same way that we appreciate the beauty of nature and creation.

However, physical looks are really superficial, it creates good first impression but there are really so many things to discover in a person than his or her looks.One can look angelic on the outside but in the inside a monster could be hiding.But it is not always the case, there are people too that does not look good and also does not have good heart or a completely evil person.

We cannot deny the fact that beauty and appearance is important.So now it’s still important to focus on beauty but also focus on other aspect of your personality.If you think you are not beautiful, don’t regret that and you can help yourself by believing and feeling good about yourself.There are many successful people out there who just have average look and even funny look but still make it to the top.Therefore, chance is equal for both the beautiful and not so beautiful to find perfect love.


Read More: Why Does Physical Appearance Matter Greatly With Love?

Article Written by averygirl72

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