The Need For Self-esteem

Self-esteem is so important in life that we can't live without it.The esteem word is all about how we value, honor, respect and admire ourselves.All people have themselves with them but not everyone have healthy self-esteem.

Sometimes people value themselves so much they turn somewhat brash or cocky.Other times people undervalues themselves and their self-esteem level is so poor. 

We can say that self-esteem is affected by many factors.We all know that we are of different personalities and there are people who really stands out from the rest of the crowd.Typically they are those with high self-esteem.

We easily admire them.We easily turn as their fans.

Along the way there are people who are quite insignificant or undistuinguishable.It's true that there are types of people that we are not attracted to deal with and we weven actually develop some distaste and dislike.

The point is some people are quite easy to like some people may be a challenge for us to like.These things affects their value or self--esteem.Nevertheless, if people think that despite of their imperfections they still feel there is something special about them, they can still manage to help boost their self-esteem.

People who have overflowing self-esteem are actually not perfect all the time.They have their shortcomings too. 

Some people along the way may have hurt your ego and some people along they way might have notice your potential and the gold inside of you.Nevertheless, self-esteem can start from within and how we really value ourselves and see clearly who we are.


One Hour to Positive Self-Esteem by Simon Smith

Success Freaks

Self-actualization and survival

Article Written by averygirl72

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